Emergency Locksmith Services for Specsavers Canterbury

Emergency Locksmith Services for Specsavers

Quick-Keys Locksmiths are very pleased to be the chosen local locksmith for Specsavers Canterbury. We have done various locksmith tasks for Specsavers, and on this particular occasion we were called in an emergency capacity as the store director had informed us that they were having difficulty with the very old lock on their front entrance door. They were really worried about not being able to secure the building properly when locking up at the end of the day, so we prioritised a visit to their premises.

We attended within the hour and assessed the old lock to have failed beyond repair so had to supply and fit a new insurance-approved deadlock along with cutting multiple new keys on-site for appropriate staff key holders.

Whilst assessing the lock it was obvious that any repairs would only be temporary and the business needed a cost-effective permanent solution so as not to cause any further problems and potential business disruption. Fortunately, we carry an extensive stock of locks, ensuring we are equipped to deal with the lock issue in just one very cost-effective and convenient visit, saving our customers both time and money.

We are really glad to serve many domestic clients and commercial businesses throughout our local community. If you require an emergency locksmith in Canterbury and East Kent, simply get in touch with Quick-Keys and we’ll be more than happy to assist.

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